Green Art is an informal youth group consisting of young people living in Antalya, Turkey, studying in various departments at Akdeniz University (English Language and Literature, Psychology, Law, etc.) and participating in many local and international volunteering projects as leaders, facilitators and participants. As Green Art, we aim to raise awareness of protecting nature in a way that will attract the attention of all people, especially young people, through art, and we organize activities in this direction.
This course is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ framework.
We are deeply grateful for this and we thank the Greek National agency for their great support and their work.
About the venue
During the project participants will be hosted in the Antalya center. Applicant organization will share accommodation information soon.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served in the hotel. There will be coffee breaks twice a day. Each participant must inform us about diets, intolerances upon arrival. The form will be sent to partner organisations and shared with participants.