"..to spread the seed of change, to empower people and to enable collective action towards a better future - that is our mission"
About us
Our Vision
Born out of our urge, to share our ideas, to share what we have seen, share what we have learned. Out of the urge to understand each other, go together a different way, with better outcomes for everybody. We started this hub. It shall enable constant change, nurtured by the abundant creativity lying in all of us, taking shape through the connection of people supporting each other's visions. And all of us become a bright shining entity - a wave of shining lights - The Southern Lights.
Our Mission
The Southern Lights is an educational and land stewardship non-profit organisation that actively regenerates eco-systems in which people, inspired by nature, create and maintain healthy and abundant livelihoods. Our work is to empower people of all ages and backgrounds with knowledge, skills, and inspiration essential to cultivating regenerative habitats, inhabitants and habits, while enhancing their professional capabilities to initiate their own projects and/or businesses. We focus on the areas of: permaculture, agroforestry, regenerative farming, non-violent communication, natural building, healthy nutrition and movement, renewable energy solutions.
Our Location
The Southern Lights is hosted in a farm that was part of the beginning of the organic movement in Greece. Located in the South of Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, 20 minutes drive from ancient Sparta and 300km from the capital Athens in a rural, predominantly agricultural area. Our land is farmed for over 35 years in a soil regenerative way, being the best place for research, learning and experimenting on regenerative farming practices, while at the same time being connected with the social business of Silver leaf on site that supports local organic farmers. Our scope though is much broader with most of our actions being all around Greece and abroad, supporting agroforestry implementations, change makers and other regenerative projects.
A small piece of paradise.
Near the ocean.
A journey
About loaded particles.
Coming together
with the will
to change
This is our journey.
Have you seen what happens in the Sky, when loaded particles created by the earth and the sun collide.
A miraculous light spectacle appears up in the sky near the poles of the earth.
dancing lights. to the music of the universe.
this spectacle can not be seen from where we are. but what happens when humans likewise loaded, with passion and curiosity, come together.
the miracle begins.
Let us come together. Let us listen to each other. learn from each other. inspire each other. empower each other. let's create together. resilient networks. self-reliant networks. selfsufficient. let us create places of abundance. forests of fruits and food for thoughts. and let us amaze each other. create lights that shine far beyond the sky. let us love each other. ourselves. without conditions.
let us find peace and let us listen inside us. come to us. and see, it was there all along.
the beauty and the strength.
to change everything.