Our REGEN cosmos refers to people, projects, initiatives or individuals with whom we love to work with. They share our vision of a future based on principles of earth care, people care, fair share and contribute ACTIVELY to build such a future.
We feel blessed to know these great people. Our fellow eco-warriors.
If you get the opportunity to meet them, work with them, learn from them, your life will change, that's for sure.
It's time to unite!
Our Regen Farming Network all over Europe
What and Why
Creatively use and respond to change
To bring together different stakeholders and spark a systemic conversion into the agri-food sector. Regenerative agriculture has the power to solve a complex widespread problem in the sector and only through unity we can gather all the tools and take the systemic steps needed to achieve a way of feeding the global population that preserves ecosystems instead of depleting them.
We have co-funded Regenerative Farming Greece, together with Chan Sac Balam and Giuseppe Sannicandro, expert designers in regenerative farming designs. RFG intends to empower farmers from all over Greece and beyond to convert their farming operations to rgenerative ones.
Though RFG events we invite our worldwide partners to share their expertise, learn together and find common solutions for actionable steps.
Join the Network
Are you an experienced organization pushing forward the Regen Movement in your country or Greece?
Do you want to collaborate, share ideas, offer us support and work together towards this just transition?
Please email us at info@regenerativefarminggreece.org
Are you a farmer wishing to transition your operations into regenerative farming?
Send us an email on info@regenerativefarminggreece.org
The Eco-Project Network Greece
What and Why
Unity empowers people and gives them strength
To unite and support people in Greece and beyond, who are actively contributing to a change toward regenerative practices, we co-initiated the Eco-Project Network Greece together with Mazi farm. The network aims to identify and cover common needs of Eco-projects and initiatives that aim at regenerative topics, and to enable collaboration between the involved people. It is a platform to exchange and combine assets of the involved projects and initiatives to co-cover each other's needs.
Building trust is the foundation of all successful collaboration
Through regular meetings, though with still a loose structure, we build trust among each other which is the foundation of all successful collaboration, while staying agile to adjust to the changing needs and the environment.
While it is still unclear if and what shape the network will take, we have already seen many positive outcomes, like job matchings inside the network and many new projects evolving as collaborations between members of the network. As a linking tool for the network, we are currently working on a map to represent all of the greek eco projects.
Join the Network
You are starting or running an Eco-project and want to join the Eco-Project Network Greece?
Fill out the google form linked in the button below or send us an email introducing yourself and your work/project shortly.
For more information, send an email to network@thesouthernlights.org
To bring learning opportunities and spread regenerative knowledge in all human related fields amongst the greek youth and beyond. By joining the Erasmus Plus Exchange Opportunities programs, we partner with other European non-profit organizations focused on topics that relate to our core values, and create wonderful funded opportunities tailored to the needs of our learning community.
Together we can learn a million more things
Through Erasmus+ programs such as Youth Exchanges or Youth Worker Mobilities, we are able to offer funded trainings abroad or in Greece to participants that wish to consolidate their knowledge on topics such as regenerative practices, natural building, emotional work, economic circularity, eco entrepreneurship.
These trainings take place in one of the patnering countries' organization and join 20 to 40 EU residents and knowledgeable trainers, all taking active steps into making the world a better place.
Join the Network
Are you a non-profit looking for partners for your next Erasmus+ application?
Send us an email to eplus@thesouthernlights.org
Are you a youth worker wishing to strengthen your knowledge on the aforementioned topics? Check below our next opportunities abroad and in Greece!
For more information, send an email to eplus@thesouthernlights.org