What and Why
Unity empowers people and gives them strength
To unite and support people in Greece and beyond, who are actively contributing to a change toward regenerative practices, we co-initiated the Eco-Project Network Greece together with Mazi farm. The network aims to identify and cover common needs of Eco-projects and initiatives that aim at regenerative topics, and to enable collaboration between the involved people. It is a platform to exchange and combine assets of the involved projects and initiatives to co-cover each other's needs.
Building trust is the foundation of all successful collaboration
Through regular meetings, though with still a loose structure, we build trust among each other which is the foundation of all successful collaboration, while staying agile to adjust to the changing needs and the environment.
While it is still unclear if and what shape the network will take, we have already seen many positive outcomes, like job matchings inside the network and many new projects evolving as collaborations between members of the network.
The Eco Project Network aims to identify and cover common needs of Eco-projects and initiatives that focus on regenerative topics, and to enable collaboration between the involved people.
The meetups, although with still a loose structure, are meant to be opportunities where trust is built among each others, the foundation of all successful collaboration, while staying agile to adjust to the changing needs and to the environment.
The program for each meetup is created according to the needs of the Eco-Projects.