Learn about VEGAN Ethics and Cooking
From 30/10/20 at 18:00 until 31/10/20 at 22:00
Every year 1st November is marked globally as World Vegan Day and for this we have prepared a 3-day Vegan Ethics and Cooking workshop to celebrate this way of life! We will explore many aspects of veganism, theoretically as well as practically.
Panos Chaloftis, co-founder of the Vegan Life Festival will lead the ethical and philosophical exploration of veganism in modern society. While Zannis Zouganelis will show us how to make our own plant based milk, cheese and deserts from healthy and ethically sourced ingredients.
We will learn how to replace eggs, milk, cheese and butter in vegan cooking and baking. Last but not least, he will introduce us into fermented foods and how we can make some of then easily at home.
The venue will be the amazing food forest of Southern Lights. Together we can explore the biodiversity of the farm, like many wild leafy edible greens that some of you might not know, and we will enjoy the calmness of the area.
Join us in this truly peaceful gathering!
The course is co-funded by the European Solidarity Corps program.
Bring your own tent, mattress and sleeping bag or whatever you need to sleep outside.
Food: Our diet here is vegan and we ask you to not bring non-vegan food into our community place. We serve simple, healthy and organic breakfast, light lunch and dinner.
Costs: For this course we ask for a symbolic contribution of 30€, which have to be deposited to our bank account latest 5 days prior to the start of the course to confirm your participation. Otherwise your spot goes to the next person on the list.
Smoking inside the project is not allowed. Pets also not.
Bring good mood. Open your mind and your heart.
Link to apply: https://forms.gle/Nd918oKBX34FQaGP8