The financial support that we get from the people that believe in the importance of our work, helps us finance our actions. Like this we can make sure there are no monetary boundaries to the people that benefit from our actions. Projects that struggle with the least ressources, young people coming to learn in our projects or in our free events and the future generations that grow up with a food forest in their city that we once planted. Your support is important for us and our work.
Or use the bank account of our non profit association
Account holder: The Southern Lights non profit association
IBAN: GR94 0171 3400 0063 4014 5339 992
Bank: Peiraios bank
In our daily work we offer high standard workshops and professional training experiences to regreen and regeneratively reinhabit our landscapes for real, trying to keep the costs as affordable as possible, but for some young motivated people it’s still difficult to participate.
This is why we want to collaborate with ecologically and socially oriented projects, companies and business activities that would like to support our project by sponsoring scholarships, contributing to buying trees, natural materials for buildings, tools.
Of course we would be happy to publicly communicate your collaboration and support through our channels as website, social media, press and during our events.
To run a project many ressources and material is necessary. From tools for farming and building to materials for hosting people like beds, sheets, pillows, plate, kitchenstuff, and plants and seeds are necessary. You are welcomed to contribute to our project through donating something of all this. We appreciate it a lot. Get in contact with us.
We want to regenerate eco-systems. For this we want to plant a million of trees, at least. If you can and feel like, donate trees, or money to buy trees. Even better come and help us plant. We, the planet and future generations will thank you.