Kindergarden children planting a Food Forest
Children planting a food forest
A food forest to connect with nature
16. October 2020
We are bringing food forests to projects and community places all around Greece, raising awareness and spreading knowledge about the potential of regenerating ecosystems while
producing healthy food.
Unifying and strengthening the network of people and projects locally and beyond.
This time we stopped in Karydia kindergarden in Athens, a waldorf based education institute and it was our great pleasure to plant a food forest together with the children there, blooming gardeners of the future.
We planted seeds, herbs fruit shrubs and a vegetable garden together with the children. Of most importance is the daily interaction of the children in their outdoor exploration space with their new food forest. We are curious to hear what will happen over time and how the children will evolve with their new project.
Also a compost was added to their space, enabling the children to bring their food scraps back to the soil.
We hope in the future to introduce many more food forests in more schools and kindergardens.