Giuseppe is an accredited permaculture teacher and brings his vast knowledge on ecology and regenerative farming methods to the team. He is facilitating the transition of our farm to an agroforestry system. He graduated in Philosophy with a thesis on the De-growth Movement and one on Ecology and also obtained a Degree in Permaculture Design in Tenerife in 2015. Since 2012 he studies, designs and teaches Permaculture in Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Slovenia, Spain, Uganda and Brasil. He designs and offers consultancies for multifunctional farms, eco-villages and urban permaculture projects among others. Moreover, he organizes and teaches PDCs (certified 72 hour Permaculture Design Course), as well as courses and workshops about water management, key-line design, earthworks, soil improvement, regenerative agriculture, gardening, agroforestry and food forest. He is co-founder of Naumanni Association based in Puglia, Italy, an educational and demonstration center featuring long-term agricultural projects on food production as well as regular workshops for young people and adults about Permaculture design, Regenerative Agriculture, Agroforestry, healthy organic food production and processing, ecological buildings and appropriate technologies.